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    A 12-week old puppy is receiving treatment at the MSPCA-Angell’s animal care and adoption center in Boston with injuries so severe that she may never recover. “Ramona,” as she has since been named, suffered what appear to be severe chemical burns over 40 percent of her body. The wounds are so serious that they require weekly debridement to remove dead tissue, so as to improve the odds that remaining skin can heal. Ramona is expected to stay at the MSPCA for the next four months, where she will undergo weekly debridement procedures in an effort to heal her skin, as well as further assessments of her leg, and a state-mandated four-month quarantine due to the suspected bite wounds of unknown origin. Most of her care will focus on keeping her comfortable from day to day. We are raising funds to offset the cost of the surgeries and after-care for Ramona, which is expected to exceed $4,000.

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