Starting from August 1, 2024, new rules will come into effect. Please use the CDC's DogBot (cdc.gov/importation/dogs/index.html) to determine which rules apply to your dogs based on your travel dates. It's essential to plan for future travel to ensure your dog meets the requirements to enter the United States.
If you would like to submit your travel information to our team online, please fill out this form below. A member of our team will get back to you within 5 business days to follow up.
This form is only available to existing Angell clients. If you are not an existing client, please refer to the USDA website for a list of other veterinarians.
filling out the rest of this form, have you looked into the travel requirements
for your country? Information can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/USDA-gov-pet-travel
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Contact Information
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Pet's Information
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Travel Details
Estimated dates of departure and arrival (please account for time zone changes).
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)