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    Help defray the cost of caring for animals here at the Boston Adoption Center by sponsoring their housing! Your contribution is tax-deductible, and helps pay for food, litter, medical costs—in short, all of the day-to-day needs for our animals while they are in our care.

    Support the Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center

    Design your gift below

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    A year long sponsorship comes with a personalized engraved hard-plastic plaque that will be displayed on a cage for one year in the Boston Adoption Center (see picture above as an example). You will be contacted to confirm the creation of your plaque.

    Cage Sponsorship Plaque Message

    Your sponsorship plaque can be personalized with a message of up to three lines, with a maximum of 21 characters per line.

    Please note MSPCA management has final approval for plaque language. 
    Please note MSPCA management has final approval for plaque language.

    Gift Acknowledgement Notification Information

    Would you like an acknowledgment to be sent to someone to notify them of your gift?

    Billing Information

    Would you like to receive email updates from the MSPCA-Angell?

    Payment Information

    Payment Method:

    Credit Card Information:

    Credit Card Type:
    • Discover
    • American Express
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
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